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Staff & Board


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Our Beliefs & Mission

Pastor's desire and mission is making disciples who will operate in the fullness of God’s Word so that they are equipped to teach others and reach every nation, every city, every day with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our proud history
motivates us every day

He started his church ministry in 2010, as “ Word of Victory “. Our victory is through faith in  the word of God, Word is Rhema which comes from our spirit , that brings us victory. The first church service began in 2010 in his hometown in Moodbelle, Udupi district.  With seven members on the very first Sunday later followed by 150 members, and extensions  were done to meet the expanding need of the church.This church is located in the middle of the  forest with no roads and people used to park half kilometres away and come to church, passing through mounds and small extended trenches.

Our Leadership

Pastor Roshan Lobo

Pastor Roshan Lobo is the Senior Pastor and founder of Word Of Victory Church. He started his ministry at a very young age of 21 as an Evangelist. God moved mightily during his early ministry with miracles, healing ,signs and wonders and many people were led to salvation.

Our Groups

Join a Community

Church is not only a crowd gathered around a stage, but a Community sharing life around a table.

One of the central ways we grow as disciples of Jesus is by having intentional relationships with people who share the same goal.

If you are interested in joining a community group please email us directly.

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